Sunday, April 15, 2012


two mirrors facing
human being and being human
image 'Being' unveil

  • Haiku Heights - Day 16 : #128 : Being
  • Dear friends I have been travelling a lot these days, and not able to comment much, but will make sure to catch up soon!!

  • I got couple of Sweet friends who speak Spanish and Portuguese, so I thought to translate the lines and writing them too so that it would be easy for them to go through.

In Spanish
dos espejos enfrentados
ser humano y ser humano
imagen de "Ser" dio a conocer

In Portugese
dois espelhos frente
ser humano e ser humano
imagem "Ser" revelou


  1. magnificent haiku ~ awesome photography ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  2. Oh, this is so clever. Well done.

  3. Amazing.. You left me speechless, yet look at me, I have spoken fourteen words.


You have known me with my first blog Humming Today
Now this is a time for me to know more of YOU.
Since, I know no matter how much your and my life be counted as different, we still share same feelings, emotions, needs, desires and dreams!
Lets share more of rhyme & hymns of Life!
Please be free to share your ideas, questions or anything you like or even dislike about this blog/post.
I will heartily appreciate you constructive feedback!
Lets lead Life a melodic style!