Sunday, April 1, 2012


Blink, you said good bye,
I was eager to close eyes,
See you in sweet dreams!

  • Haiku Heights - Day 1 : #113 : EAGER

  • I got couple of Sweet friends who speak Spanish and Portuguese, so I thought to translate the lines and writing them too so that it would be easy for them to go through.

In Spanish:

Blink y dijo adiós,
Yo estaba ansioso por cerrar mi ojo,
Nos vemos en los sueños otra vez!

In Portuguese:

Pisque e você disse adeus,
Eu estava ansioso para fechar meus olhos,
Vemo-nos em sonhos de novo!


  1.'s a lovely have a relook for syllable count..for haiku...:)

    1. Thankyou :) Yes I have rechecked the syllables in the word count counter, it looks to me fine..5-7-5 , let me know if you see something different!

  2. Beautiful haiku! But syllables are 6-8-6 :)

  3. see you in dreams again - I love that! It is exciting and beautiful!

  4. lovely message ~ too many syllables ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  5. wow...that's nice translating it Rach...:)


    very nice take my dear!

  6. Those we love can leave in the blink of an eye...but we can always dream them back into our presence...

    Eager Wildflower

  7. That is very beautiful, Rach! :) Loved the take.


You have known me with my first blog Humming Today
Now this is a time for me to know more of YOU.
Since, I know no matter how much your and my life be counted as different, we still share same feelings, emotions, needs, desires and dreams!
Lets share more of rhyme & hymns of Life!
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I will heartily appreciate you constructive feedback!
Lets lead Life a melodic style!