Tuesday, September 11, 2012


woven divine dreams
while each tiny piece deserves

wondering of you!


  1. So true... every little detail in life deserves our attention! Beautiful haiku!

    Cradling star rock in pious palms

  2. I love the way you add movie stills with your haiku ... innovative :-)

  3. Words weave in and out -- like the cadence vey much

  4. Wonderfully romantic this."woven divine dreams" - very nice.

  5. Wonderfully composed and very romantic haiku. Great picture too.

  6. You and SiS can have a contest to see who can write more romantic :) Lovely take.

  7. Original take...also like the way your haiku and site are organized:)


You have known me with my first blog Humming Today
Now this is a time for me to know more of YOU.
Since, I know no matter how much your and my life be counted as different, we still share same feelings, emotions, needs, desires and dreams!
Lets share more of rhyme & hymns of Life!
Please be free to share your ideas, questions or anything you like or even dislike about this blog/post.
I will heartily appreciate you constructive feedback!
Lets lead Life a melodic style!